Products in the flour, flour, starch, FLOUR, STARCH groups that the company currently distributes Including ACETYLATED STARCH, E1420, Acetylated Starch, Acetylated Starch CASSAVA STARCH, Cassava Starch, Cassava Starch, Cassava Starch CORN STARCH, Corn Starch, Corn Starch PEA STARCH, Pea Starch, Pea Starch, Pea Starch POTATO STARCH, Potato Starch, Potato Starch, Hong Kong Tapioca Starch TAPIOCA STARCH, Tapioca Starch, Tapioca Starch WHEAT STARCH, Wheat Starch, Wheat Flour, Wheat Flour, Wheat Starch, Ha Kao Flour NATIVE STARCH, Native Flour, Native Starch, Native Starch, Raw flour, Natural flour MAIZE STARCH, Maize starch, Maize flour, Finely ground corn flour MODIFIED STARCH, Modified starch, Modified starch, Modified flour CORN FLOUR, MAIZE FLOUR, Corn flour, Maize flour, Corn flour, Maize flour GLUTINOUS RICE FLOUR, Glutinous rice flour, Glutinous rice flour RICE FLOUR, Rice flour, Rice flour, WHEAT FLOUR, Wheat flour, Wheat flour, Thai wheat flour, Foreign wheat flour, Imported wheat flour VITAL WHEAT GLUTEN, Vital wheat gluten, Wheat protein, Tapioca flour, Wheat protein WHEAT GLUTEN, Wheat gluten, Wheat gluten, Vermicelli flour, Wheat protein flour, wheat protein
More technical information of flour, starch, food additive, food grade Please contact Thai Poly Chemicals Company Limited (TPCC) [ b][color=blue ]Food Additive[/b] Food additive is a substance that is not normally used as food or an important component of food, regardless of whether such substance has nutritional value or not, but is used as an additive in food for the benefit of production technology, food coloring, food flavoring, packaging, storage or transportation, which affects the quality, standards or characteristics of the food. This includes substances that are not added to food but have specific containers and are added with food for the benefits mentioned above, such as desiccant, oxygen absorber, etc., excluding nutrients added to increase or maintain the nutritional value of food, such as carbohydrates, protein, fat, minerals and vitamins.
Benefits of use Food additives To maintain the nutritional value of food, to be stable, to obtain specific food components in food production, for consumer groups with specific nutritional needs, to increase efficiency in quality maintenance in the industry, in mass production or to improve the sensory characteristics without changing the quality and characteristics of the food, to assist in the production, processing, handling, packaging, transportation or storage of food without using food additives to conceal food defects or improper production methods.
Use of food additives In the use of food additives, consumer safety must be taken into account. The amount of food additives used must be in accordance with the law specifying for use in each type of food so as not to harm the health of consumers. The food additives used must be evaluated for safety by JECFA or through an evaluation equivalent to JECFA in order to determine the safety value (Acceptable Daily Intake: ADI), which is the amount of food additives (Food Additive) expressed in the form of Milligrams per kilogram of body weight per day, which can be consumed every day throughout life without risk to health.
Food additive grouping: Codex has divided food additives into 27 groups according to their functions as follows:Acidity Regulator | Anticaking Agent | Antifoaming Agent | Oxidation inhibitor (Antioxidant | Bleaching Agent | Bulking Agent | Carbonating Agent | Carrier | Color | Color Retention Agent | Emulsifier | Emulsifying Agent | Firming Agent | Flavor Enhancer | Flour Treatment Agent | Foaming Agent | Gelling Agent | Glazing Agent | Humectant | Packaging Gas | Preservative | Propellant | Raising Agent | Scavenger (Sequestrant) | Stabilizer | Sweetener | Thickener
More information of Food additive, Food Grade Chemical Food Chemical Codex, FCC, EP, USP, JP, please contact Thai Poly Chemicals Company (TPCC) (Food Additive) Tel +6634 854888, +668 9312 8888 Official Line ID: thaipoly8888 Email: thaipoly8888 (at) Search terms: